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Gerosteiner –  A valuable contribution to a healthy diet

Gerolsteiner Sparkling is one of the most popular mineral water brands around the world. The features make mineral water different from the others is exploited from 250 meters deep below the earth’s surface. Filtered through layers of dolomite rock in the Volcanic Eifel (Germany), the water collects there, drop by drop, in natural aquifers that are protected from external influences. Here, it stays fresh and clean thanks to the natural carbonic acid, until finally it is unearthed and bottled directly at its source Gerolstein – pure and unaltered.

The special geological features of the Volcanic Eifel region give Gerolsteiner Sparkling its refreshing, harmonious taste and make it naturally rich in essential minerals:

  • One liter of Gerolsteiner Sparkling mineral water provides more than one quarter of the daily magnesium requirement with 108 mg of this valuable mineral.
  • Gerolsteiner Sparkling even meets one third of the daily calcium requirement with 348 mg per liter.


Why minerals are so important? 

Minerals, such as Calcium and Magnesium are important to the organism. Your body cannot produce these nutrients. To get its provision of minerals, the human body is therefore reliant on a diet rich in minerals. Mineral water with a high mineral content, such as Gerolsteiner can make a valuable contribution to a healthy diet as a natural source of minerals.


