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Ramirez – a legacy of 5 generations

Ramirez is a model of corporate longevity. A family project that is today the world oldest fish cannery in operation. A journey that continues to extend the experience and know-how that are legacy of 5 generations of the Ramirez family.

The “Ramirez 1953” is still growing continuously, harmonizing the past, the present and the future every day. “Ramirez 1953” is a cutting-edge technical and technological unit that allow them to innovate in various fields, including the adoption of environmentally friendly processes, and to reinforce their historical export vocation.

“Ramirez 1853” has been considered one of the top five industrial units in the agri-food sector worldwide. The products of Ramirez with the high quality and flavours that appeal to the memory.

The Ramirez products are imported & distributed by New Viet Dairy.
